the fires

the fires here in california are still burning and more and more families are being evacuated from their homes. it sounds horrible. horrible. horrible.

here is a photo of the view of the fires from our neighborhood.
michael took this with his phone on sunday.


it makes me wonder what we would take with us.

i used to think about that a lot when i was young. if a fire started suddenly and i only had seconds to grab what i could, what would it be? i thought that i should think about it beforehand since in the moment i would probably forget something important. it strange that i gave this more thought back then than i do now. back when i had just a little pink room’s worth of personal belongings. now we have a two bedroom, two bath apartment filled with stuff.

my game plan as a child was that i would take my blanket (the one i’ve had since i was born that my aunt made for me and that i sleep with every night. yes, even now. michael keeps saying its time to say goodbye, but i’ve had it for 24 years, it’s not going anywhere.) and i would fill it with all of the things i’d need to take with me. then i would sling it over my shoulder and carry it out santa-style.

this was back when my blanket was intact. now it looks more like a ball of yarn. there’s no way it could hold anything.

so what would we bring today?
the dogs.

and if possible, my external hard drive, which holds years and years of photos.

but really, as long as we got the dogs and each other, everything else can be cried over, but eventually replaced.

but i’m sure it’s a lot of crying. a lot. and i feel so sad for those caught up in the mess of fires right now.

oh, hi


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